Code Cleanup

Cleaning up your HTML email results in smaller file sizes, which translates to faster email sendouts, faster opens (think slow 3G), and snappier paint times.

Also, Gmail will clip your email around 102KB, so anything past that mark won't even be in the DOM (which can lead to unexpected results like tracking pixel not loaded or, worse, hidden unsubscribe links).

In email, bigger is never better. Clean up your production emails.

These are the cleanup-related options in config.js :

// config.js
module.exports = {
  purgeCSS: {},
  removeUnusedCSS: {},
  replaceStrings: false,
  removeAttributes: [],
  safeClassNames: {},
  sixHex: false,

Let's go through each of those options.


When not developing locally, postcss-purgecss is used to do a first pass over the compiled Tailwind CSS - this happens before CSS is injected into the HTML, so that tools like the Juice inliner or email-comb receive as little code to process as possible.

However, it can sometimes happen that it purges classes that you actually need - for example, if you have dynamic classes that you reference in HTML like this:

<div class="text-{{ computedTextSizeName }}">...</div>

To give you control, Maizzle exposes some of its options to your cleanup config.

Add a purgeCSS key to your config, to customize its settings:

module.exports = {
  purgeCSS: {
    content: [], // array of filenames or globs to scan for selectors
    whitelist: [], // array of strings
    whitelistPatterns: [], // array of regular expressions
    extractor: /[\w-/:%]+(?<!:)/g, // regular expression


Use the content key to define additional paths that the plugin should scan for CSS selectors - Maizzle already configures it with all your build source paths.

purgeCSS: {
  content: ['/Code/emails/project/', 'src/archive/'],


Use whitelist to define an array of class names that you want to preserve:

purgeCSS: {
  whitelist: ['wrapper', 'button--active'],


Use whitelistPatterns to define an array of regular expressions that match class names that you want to preserve:

purgeCSS: {
  whitelistPatterns: [/text-red-/, /button/],


If your Tailwind class names include characters not covered by the default extractor, use this option to specify a custom one.

For example, let's make sure we don't purge classes that include a ! character:

purgeCSS: {
  extractor: /[\w-/:.%!]+(?<!:)/g


This is where you can configure the email-comb library. Options under removeUnusedCSS will be passed directly to it, to clean up your CSS.


Enables CSS cleanup through email-comb:

removeUnusedCSS: {
  enabled: true,
  // ...


Array of classes or id's that you don't want removed. You can use all matcher patterns.

removeUnusedCSS: {
  enabled: true,
  whitelist: ['.External*', '.ReadMsgBody', '.yshortcuts', '.Mso*', '#*'],
  // ...


If you use computed class names, like for example class="{{ computedRed }} text-sm", the library will normally treat {{ and }} as class names.

To prevent this from happening, set backend to an array of objects that define the start and end delimiters:

removeUnusedCSS: {
  enabled: true,
  backend: [
    { heads: "{{", tails: "}}" }, 
    { heads: "{%", tails: "%}" }
  // ...


Set to false to prevent email-comb from removing <!-- HTML comments -->.

removeUnusedCSS: {
  enabled: true,
  removeHTMLComments: false,
  // ...


Set to false to prevent email-comb from removing /* CSS comments */.

removeUnusedCSS: {
  enabled: true,
  removeCSSComments: false,
  // ...

You can use the data-embed attribute on a <style> tag to disable inlining for CSS inside it, if you need to preserve CSS comments.

For example, MailChimp uses CSS comments to define styles that are editable in their email editor. Here's how you can preserve them:

  1. Set removeCSSComments: false in your config, as above
  2. Write your CSS with comments in a separate <style> tag:
<style data-embed>
    @tab Page
    @section Body Background
    @tip Set the background colour for the email body.
  .wrapper {
    /*@editable*/background-color: #EEEEEE !important;


HTML email code often includes Outlook or IE conditional comments, which you probably want to preserve. If the opening tag of a conditional includes any of the strings you list here, email-comb will not remove that comment.

removeUnusedCSS: {
  enabled: true,
  doNotRemoveHTMLCommentsWhoseOpeningTagContains: ['[if', '[endif'],
  // ...


Set this to true, to rename all classes and id's in both your <style> tags and your body HTML elements, to be as few characters as possible.

Used in production, it will help trim down your HTML size.

removeUnusedCSS: {
  enabled: true,
  uglifyClassNames: true,
  // ...


Maizzle can batch replace strings in your HTML email template, and it even works with regular expressions!

Use the replaceStrings option to define key-value pairs of regular expressions and strings to replace them with:

// config.production.js
module.exports = {
  replaceStrings: {
    'find and replace this exact string': 'with this one',
    '\\s?data-src=""': '', // remove empty data-src="" attributes

Maizzle sets this to false in the development config, so that the function doesn't run and build time isn't unnecessarily affected:

// config.js
module.exports = {
  replaceStrings: false,


You can have Maizzle remove some attributes from your HTML after it's compiled.

// config.js
module.exports = {
  removeAttributes: [
    { name: 'data-src' }, // remove empty data-src="" attributes
    { name: 'foo', value: 'bar'}, // remove all foo="bar" attributes
  // ...

Internally, Maizzle uses this to remove any CSS inlining leftovers, like style="".


posthtml-safe-class-names is used to normalize :/. and % characters in your class names - these are the safe characters they are replaced with:

  • : is replaced with -
  • \/ is replaced with -
  • % is replaced with pc
  • . is replaced with _

You can define new replacement mappings (or overwrite existing ones) by adding a safeClassNames key to your config.

For example, let's replace : with a _ instead of the default -:

// config.js
module.exports = {
  safeClassNames: {
    ':': '__'

That would turn sm:w-full into sm__w-full.

You can prevent Maizzle from rewriting your class names with safe characters, by setting this option to false:

// config.js
module.exports = {
  safeClassNames: false,

Six-digit HEX

Ensures that all your HEX colors are defined with six digits - some email clients do not support 3-digit HEX colors, like #fff. Uses color-shorthand-hex-to-six-digit ↗