Use in Node.js

You can use Maizzle in your Node.js app, to compile a string to an HTML email.


First, require() the framework in your application:

const Maizzle = require('@maizzle/framework')

Then, call the render() method, passing it a string and an options object:

const html = Maizzle.render(`html string`, options)


options is an object with the following structure:

  tailwind: {
    config: {},
    css: '',
    compiled: '',
  maizzle: {
    config: {},
  beforeRender() {},
  afterRender() {},
  afterTransformers() {},

Pass in a custom Tailwind CSS configuration, or a pre-compiled CSS string.

configObject{}A Tailwind CSS config object.
cssString@tailwind components; @tailwind utilities;A string with CSS in PostCSS syntax. Gets compiled with Tailwind CSS. To use Tailwind, you should at least use @tailwind utilities
compiledString(empty string)A pre-compiled CSS string, to use as-is. This will skip Tailwind compilation, resulting in faster render speed.

The Maizzle environment configuration object.

configObject{}A Maizzle config object.


const Maizzle = require('@maizzle/framework')

let str = `---
title: Using Maizzle on the server

<extends src="src/layouts/base.html">
  <block name="template">
        <td class="button">
          <a href="">Confirm email address</a>

    tailwind: {
      config: require('./tailwind.config'),
      css: `
        @tailwind utilities;
        .button { @apply rounded text-center bg-blue-500 text-white; }
        .button:hover { @apply bg-blue-700; }
        .button a { @apply inline-block py-16 px-24 text-sm font-semibold no-underline text-white; }
    maizzle: {
      config: require('./config'),
).then(html => console.log(html)).catch(error => console.log(error))


You can use templating tags when using Maizzle in Node.js.


Since the config you can pass to the render() method is optional, there are a few gotchas that you need to be aware of.

Default Tailwind

If you don't specify a config object, Maizzle will try to compile Tailwind using tailwind.config.js at your current path.

If the file is not found, Tailwind will be compiled with its default config.

The default config is not optimized for HTML email: it uses rem units and other settings that are better suited for web design.

Safe Class Names

The safeClassNames Transformer runs only when an environment name is specified, and as long as that name is not local.

If you don't specify it in maizzle.config, class names won't be rewritten with email client-safe characters. This could break rendering in some clients, such as Gmail.

To avoid this, always specify the environment name:

Maizzle.render('html string', {
  maizzle: {
    config: {
      env: 'node',
}).then(html => console.log(html))


Transformers, such as CSS inlining or minification, are opt-in: they transform content only when you enable them. Since you don't need to pass in a Maizzle config object, this means that most of them will not run.

The following Transformers always run, regardless of your config:

  • Markdown
  • Prevent Widows
  • Remove Attributes - removes empty style attributes by default
  • Transform Contents - processes CSS with PostCSS inside elements with a postcss attribute