CSS Inlining

Maizzle uses the Juice library to automatically inline your CSS.

Let's first take a look at all the options available:

// config.js
module.exports = {
  inlineCSS: {
    enabled: false,
    styleToAttribute: {
      'background-color': 'bgcolor',
      'background-image': 'background',
      'text-align': 'align',
      'vertical-align': 'valign',
    mergeLonghand: false,
    applySizeAttribute: {
      width: [],
      height: [],
    keepOnlyAttributeSizes: {
      width: [],
      height: [],
    preferBgColorAttribute: {
      enabled: false,
    excludedProperties: null,
  // ...


Changing these options in your environment config will apply to all Templates when building emails for that environment.


Enable automatic CSS inlining. When set to false, inlining will not take place and all other settings inside inlineCSS will be ignored.


Defines which CSS properties should Juice duplicate as what HTML attributes.

For example, this property-attribute assignment:

styleToAttribute: {
  'background-color': 'bgcolor',

... will transform this:

<table class="bg-cool-gray-300">

... into this:

<table bgcolor="#e2e8f0">


Uses posthtml-postcss-merge-longhand to rewrite longhand CSS with shorthand syntax. Only works with margin, padding and border, and only when all sides are specified.

Something like this:

<p class="mx-2 my-4">Example</p>

... instead of becoming this:

<p style="margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px;">Example</p>

... becomes this:

<p style="margin: 4px 2px;">Example</p>

Enable it for all tags:

// config.js
module.exports = {
  inlineCSS: {
    mergeLonghand: true
    // ..

Enable it only for a selection of tags:

// config.js
module.exports = {
  inlineCSS: {
    mergeLonghand: {
      enabled: true,
      tags: ['td', 'div']
    // ..


Specify an array of HTML tag names for which the inliner should duplicate inline CSS widths and heights as width="" and height="" attributes.

These are passed to Juice, which will add any inline width and height CSS rules it finds as HTML attributes, but only for the tags specified here.


module.exports = {
  inlineCSS: {
    applySizeAttribute: {
      width: ['TABLE', 'TD', 'TH', 'IMG', 'VIDEO'],
      height: ['TABLE', 'TD', 'TH', 'IMG', 'VIDEO'],


Define for which elements should Maizzle keep only attribute sizes, like width="" and height="". Elements in these arrays will have their inline CSS widths and heights removed.

It's set to empty arrays by default, so that no elements are affected:

keepOnlyAttributeSizes: {
  width: [],
  height: [],

You can add HTML elements like this:

keepOnlyAttributeSizes: {
  width: ['TABLE', 'TD', 'TH', 'IMG', 'VIDEO'],
  height: ['TABLE', 'TD', 'TH', 'IMG', 'VIDEO'],


If you're inlining your CSS and have 'background-color': 'bgcolor' in the styleToAttribute option of the inliner, you can shave off some bytes by having Maizzle keep just the bgcolor="" attribute.

Enable this option to remove any inlined background-color CSS properties:

// config.js
module.exports = {
  preferBgColorAttribute: {
    enabled: true,
  // ...

You can optionally provide an array of tag names that it should remove the background-color inline CSS from:

// config.js
module.exports = {
  preferBgColorAttribute: {
    enabled: true,
    tags: ['td'], // default: ['body', 'marquee', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'tr']
  // ...

In this case, background-color will be removed only from <td> elements.


Array of CSS property names that should be excluded from the CSS inlining process. Names are considered unique, so you need to specify each one you'd like to exclude.

For example:

'excludedProperties' => ['padding', 'padding-left'],

Prevent inlining

Use the data-embed attribute on a <style> tag to prevent Juice from inlining the CSS inside it. Useful for writing email client CSS hacks, or for preserving CSS comments in tandem with the removeCSSComments: false Cleanup option.